Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Good weekend

Josh and I went to Ocean Shores this weekend. It's amazing how just getting away seems to remove all the junk that builds up over time. I'm not talking about removing the problems, but rather, setting the reset button on the patience meter. It's like dating again, where you are full of grace for the other person. I realize now how important it is to take a weekend, like once every other month, with your spouse, and get away from your familiar surrounds. It's fun. I love playing with my husband. He is so much fun. We get so busy though, that we lose sight of how important it is to play together. My step-mother-in-law often tells me that it is so important in a healthy marriage to play together, and to pray together. I used to have no problem with either, but I get into a routine, and forget about both.

Josh was teasing me this weekend about my need to plan everything. I know that if I could, I would lay out a minute by minute schedule of our day. I would then get so focused on "doing" that I forget about Josh. I love to plan. I love to accomplish things that I have planned. But the free spirit that is my husband loathes planning. He fights against it because for him, it sucks the fun out of EVERYTHING. I love that he has grace for my need to plan, but I need to have grace for his need to flow. I think the planner/controller in my really pulls Josh down. As a male, he has a need to be the leader, and I take that away from him when I start planning our lives. I know this is all very negative, and probably exaggerated, but in it's essence, true.

Ok, so stop planning/controlling, and let things roll. Let my husband thrive in the way that he leads, and enjoy being led by him. I can do that! I love you Josh.

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