Thursday, April 10, 2008

So at church last night we had a guest speaker. He is the pastor of a church in Lake Stevens, WA. He was talking about hearing the voice of God. At first he was discribing ways in which we can hear the voice of God, and in my head I was thinking, "yeah, yeah, I've heard all this before" He talked about hearing God through visions, and dreams, and inaudible voice, and scripture, and music. I think that mentally I started to check out. Then he started to describe that God speaks through day dreams, and that peeked my interest. He then went on to describe a time when he was driving, and God gave him a vision. But this vision made reality dissapear. He said that he had to stop driving, and that there were 10 cars backed up behind him by the time the vision was over. Now I have had visions before, but none that took me out of reality. This pretty much boggled my mind. Then he said that he had heard God audible voice. Now I had heard of this happening in current times, but never as common place. He claimed to have heard God speak to him audibly 15 times. I honestly would love to hear the voice of God. I know that I have heard heaven before. There was no mistaking that. But to hear the voice of God! How mind blowing. The crazy thing is that this is stuff that as Christians we can walk in as common place. Our generation has a unique position of being able to build off of our parents spiritual learning, and take it to a new level. I know that prophesy is alive and well, and that God speaks to us, but imagine living a life where your thoughts are consumed with God thoughts. This pastor from Lake Stevens reminded me that this is a life that is possible to lead. A life where I can impact ANYONE around me just by listening to the voice of God and immediatly being obedient to follow through with anything that He wants to say to them. I think for me the fear of being wrong scares me. I don't want to drive someone away from Christ just because I mis-heard God. I don't know if you have ever had someone tell you that what you were hearing was not from the Lord, but it is crushing. It makes is really hard to be willing to try again. I have had that happen. But the Lord was faithful to help me overcome (if just for the moment) my fear and continue to speak what he wants. My desire is to get to the place where I hear, and immediatly obey, even if I am wrong. Cuz I know I will be. I want to hear the voice of God. I want to impact everyone I meet, however theLord wants me to. I want to be in constant communion with the Lord. I feel inspired to live this way. Lord, please let it not fade in my, or be overcome with fear, but to walk and talk boldly of You!


Laurelhouse said...

You have my permission to practice on me. I was incredibly touched by Kevin Wed night. What a blessing. I received prayer and had a huge burden lifted off me I've been carrying for years.

Rebekah said...

Fyi i have the recording if you want it!

Erin Newton said...

Yes please!!